Course image INEC50077-24SP ST: Grt Wrt Chld/Fam - 24SP
Spring 2024

This course was developed by Atashia Walker, the Neighborhood HUB Director with a neighborhood revitalization non-profit organization called Connected Communities located in

the heart of Rochester, NY. Atashia works directly with residents within the community by sharing resources, building relationships with community based partners, and funders- so that

residents in the community feel supported, empowered, and connected to resources that can improve their overall quality of life. Watch the video below where Atashia introduces herself.


Course image SWK60470-24SP SW Prac in Hlth Care - 24SP
Spring 2024

This course focuses on the role and responsibilities of Social Workers in Health and Mental Health Care Settings. The course provides an overview of current health care settings and the unique contributions of Social Work in those settings. The course also focuses on the importance of inter-professional work and strategies for ensuring that client needs are always a primary consideration in decision making. Students will explore strategies for health/wellness promotion and explore evidence-based practice resources for various health related conditions.

Course image PSC34401-24SP Pol & His of Internet - 24SP
Spring 2024

This course explores the history and politics of the internet. It examines major innovations, such as the creation of ARPANET, WWW, TCP/IP, HTTP, and other protocols and portals. It also explores how the internet has led to both new arenas for collaboration and socialization while also leading to new forms of discrimination, division, and surveillance. In this course, we will discuss topics such as online harassment, deep-fakes, content farms, content moderation, user-generated content, the Great Firewall of China, surveillance, right to explanation, surveillance capitalism, gaming, outsourcing, the Web 1.0, the Web 2.0, the information superhighway, open-source, web portals, hacktivism, Fediverse, and gendered spaces. There will also be many opportunities for you to explore topics of interest to you independently.

Course image PSC33001-24SP Mod. Southeast Asia - 24SP
Spring 2024

Southeast Asia, which contains 600 million people spread across eleven countries today, became a center for European, American, and Japanese imperial designs and experimentation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This course explores the history and politics of modern Southeast Asia through anti-imperial literature, essays, and treatises. It also examines the legacies of imperialism, including how it continues to shape the region today. What is imperialism? What was necessary to make it function and what allows it to persist? What are the legacies of this institution? In this course we will seek answers to these questions as we explore the modern histories of Burma, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, and the other nations and polities of Southeast Asia.